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Questions & Answers....

Do you have to be one of the best  players to join the band?

No, Everyone is welcome to join regardless of ability!  If you do not know how to play an instrument you can still be a part of this amazing team and become a member of the colour guard or majorettes.

How old must you be to join the band?

Members must be between the ages of 13 and 21 years of age to join.

Is it expensive to become a member of the band?

While being a member of the band is not free, being a member of the Burlington Teen Tour Band is not as large of a financial burden as people think. The yearly membership for the BTTB is approximately $280.00! 

Is it expensive to travel with the band on tours?

Band tours can be a costly venture but, with the hard work of our Band Boosters and every member doing their fair share of fund raising our tour costs become very affordable. You will learn more about tour, fund raising, and incentive accounts at a new member orientation session.



Is there any financial assistance available to members in need?

Yes, financial assistance is available to families who are dealing with a financial burden, there are means to receive assistance to help cover some of the costs mentioned above. This too will be covered in an orientation session.


Our goal is to make sure finances are not a reason for someone not to join or travel with the band. 

Are there any additional costs after joining the band?

There are the start up costs associated with any organization and most of those come once a new member has achieved their uniform. Items would include:


  • Band tour jacket

  • Blue suspenders

  • Band shoes

  • Band gloves

  • Navy blue socks

  • Uniform shirt

  • Band bag – not mandatory but strongly advised

  • Dickies – for winter performances

  • Band winter Jacket – not mandatory

  • Band Maple Leaf shirt – not mandatory

  • The tour jacket, shoes, gloves band bag, uniform shirts and maple shirts are all sold from the uniform room.

  • The band winter jacket is sold by the band executive in the fall of each year for interested members.

  • Navy blue socks, suspenders and dickies can all be purchased at local stores.



What if I need help with music or marching?

No problem at all!  Every section has 2 - 3 Section Leaders and their job is to help run the section and help new members. They are your first point of contact for any questions you may have, will help you with marching, and with learing the music. They will be your biggest help to get you ready to earn the band uniform!  

Where and when does the band practice?

The Band practices on Wedneday evenings from 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM and Sunday afternoon's 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM at the Burlington Music Centre located in Central Park, 2311 New street.  Click here for a map 


Our Drum Line holds an extra practice every Monday evening and the Colour Guard on Tuesday evening, both from 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM.

How often does the band perform throughout the year?

There is no set answer for how often the band performs, as our performance schedule is constantly changing throughout the year. You do need to be aware you are joining a band that is in high demand for all types of parades, events, TV, movie shoots due to our tradition of excellence!

I want to become a member of the Burlington Teen Tour Band! 
What do I do?

It is easier than you think!


The quick answer is "SHOW UP" to a Wednesday or Sunday rehearsal. Plan to arrive about 20 minutes before practices starts so we can meet you and one of your parents and introduce you to your section. We do need to have one of your parents fillout a contact form to get you started.


Ideally, we ask that you email us and let us know in advance what day you are coming so we can be ready for your arrival.  Just click here and email us. Let us know your name, age, what section you are interested in and what day you will be coming out. Leave the rest to us.


If you have an instrument bring it with you! If you are joing the Colour Guard, Drum Line, or playing the tuba we supply the instrument to you. If you do not have an instrument or access to one let us know and we will do our best to have one ready for you as we do have some back up instruments to get you started! 


After your first rehearsal we will set up a Band orientation for you and your parent(s). We will give lots more information about the Band and our Band Booster organization as well as get all the offical documents signed so you can become a full member and start on your new and exciting journey as a new Burlington Teen Tour Band member!





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